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Are Lead Aprons Required for Dental X-Rays?

By January 17, 2025February 27th, 2025No Comments

Lead aprons, thyroid shields, and similar protective accessories are a staple whenever radiation technology is used. But are lead aprons required for dental X-rays?

Dental radiography exams allow us to see beyond the surface, so they are among the most essential procedures performed by dentists and similar practitioners. As a matter of fact, dental X-rays are one of the most common types of oral imaging examinations, with more than 1.4 billion being performed every year in the US alone.

But this leaves the burning question unanswered: are lead aprons required for dental X-rays?

Here’s an update from the American Dental Association (ADA) and everything else you need to know to choose the best protective gear.


An Update from the ADA: Lead Aprons and Dental X-Rays

So, are lead aprons required for dental X-rays? The answer is not as straightforward as you may think.

Last year, the ADA released its first safety recommendations update since 2012, with the latest version focusing on dental radiography and cone-beam computer tomography (CBCT) as these are the two tests that leverage ionizing radiation.

The recommendations, which aim to improve radiation protection and exposure, were as follows:

  • Lead aprons and thyroid shields are no longer recommended for dental X-rays and CBCT scans
  • This recommendation applies to all people, including pregnant women and those with different capabilities

The reason for this conclusion is that modern digital X-rays utilize low-concentration, ultra-accurate equipment that only affects the target area. According to this approach, the exposure to other parts of the body during this process is minimal. Plus, it means that the apron won’t block or interfere with the image, which eliminates the need for secondary scans.

While the recommendation aims to reduce the number of scans needed, which would indeed reduce the amount of radiation exposure, there are a few key caveats.

For starters, it’s possible to also adjust the way the imaging devices are utilized to prevent the aprons and other protective accessories from blocking or affecting the image.

Not only this, but it’s also important to note that the safety of your patients and medical team falls squarely on your shoulders. As such, taking additional precautions like using protective accessories, even if they provide lighter protection than conventional gear, is a huge advantage.


So, Are Lead Aprons and Thyroid Shields Necessary for Dental X-Rays?

Are lead aprons necessary for dental X-rays? This depends on the safety levels you want to establish in your facility. But, as a general rule of thumb, wearing lead aprons, thyroid shields, and other accessories will provide superior protection during X-rays and similar imaging.

Still not sure how to protect your dental medical team? Contact Barrier Technologies today, we’ve been manufacturing lead aprons and similar accessories since 2005 so we can help you choose the best gear for your facility.


Advantages of Wearing Lead Aprons and Thyroid Shields

Whether you’re working at a nuclear plant, imaging center, or medical facility, it’s important to wear the right protection when radiation technology is in play.

There are many advantages to protecting yourself against ionizing radiation like X-rays and gamma rays using lead shields and similar accessories. Let’s take a closer look.


Reduce Radiation Exposure

The first and most obvious advantage of wearing lead aprons is reducing radiation exposure below harmful levels.

Here, it’s important to note that all of us are exposed to environmental radiation that doesn’t cause health complications. Lead aprons, lead eyewear, and other accessories can help ensure that the energy your body is exposed to during dental imaging is of the same intensity as the radiation already around you.


Help Prevent Long-Term Health Issues

The biggest issue with radiation exposure is that it can cause organ damage, result in cancerous growth, and cause other long-term health conditions.

Fortunately, reducing the amount of radiation that passes through your body is the best way to prevent radiation-related health complications down the line. This ensures that your organs maintain their cellular integrity and minimizes the chances of radiation-related illnesses down the line.


Ensure Compliance with Existing Regulations

Do you need a lead apron for dental X-rays? According to the ADA, it’s not recommended to wear protection during this type of imaging. However, there are regulations that dictate whether dental professionals need to provide protection during X-rays, and these vary on a state-to-state basis.

Your best bet is to familiarize yourself with your local regulations and ensure that you always provide protective gear to both patients and practitioners.


Allow Your Team to Work Safely and Efficiently

Do you need to wear a lead apron with digital dental X-rays? Digitized X-rays use significantly less energy than conventional radiography imaging. However, it’s important to note that this is still ionizing radiation, so there’s still the possibility of causing mutations associated with this type of energy.

In these cases, you may be able to acquire aprons and similar accessories with thinner lead ratings, which are perfect for protecting against low-level exposure to ionizing radiation.


Lead Protection for Other Types of Ionizing Radiation

Here are a few other instances where leaded aprons and similar protective equipment should be worn:

  • Medical and diagnostic centers
  • Surgical suites that utilize radiation
  • Nuclear power plans
  • Research labs
  • Some industrial facilities
  • Disaster zones


Get the Best Radiation Protection for Your Facility

We hope that our article has answered the question “are lead aprons required for dental X-rays?” comprehensively. The truth is that X-rays and other forms of ionizing radiation can have harmful effects on your patients and practitioners if they don’t wear the right protection.

While the ADA has suggested that lead aprons and other accessories are not necessary during dental X-rays, the choice of protecting your staff and patients is completely yours. At Barrier Technologies, we’ve been providing lead aprons that offer varying protection levels for the last two decades.

Contact us today if you want to find out more about choosing the right lead apron and other safety equipment for your dental facility, our team will be glad to help you find accessories that offer the best protection.