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What is the Minimum Thickness of Lead for Lead Aprons: Standard Requirements

By December 11, 2024February 27th, 2025No Comments

If you’re creating or reviewing the security protocol for your facility, you may be asking yourself: what is the minimum thickness of lead for lead aprons?

Lead aprons and other personal protective equipment (PPE) help create a safe environment for practitioners and patients in your clinic. Choosing the right thickness for your aprons is essential, but this depends on the type of diagnostic procedures and treatments available at your facility. 

In this article, we’ll go over the minimum thickness of lead in radiation aprons, give you tips on choosing the right type of protective equipment, and share examples of radiation PPE you should provide.


Minimum Thickness of Leads in Radiation Aprons

The detrimental health effects of ionizing radiation are well-documented, which is the reason why your radiation equipment and safety plan as a whole should be inspected by a radiation expert. Lead (Pb) provides significant protection against radiation. However, this depends on the thickness of the Pb present in the radiation PPE.

Your radiation officer should meet the criteria set by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) or your local authority.

So, what is the minimum thickness of lead for lead aprons? Let’s take a closer look.


0.50mm Lead Thickness

The minimum thickness of a lead apron in your facility should be 0.50mm if your practitioners provide radiation treatments, which shields up to 99% of the potential radiation dose. This includes treatments that use gamma radiation as well as high-dose X-rays. 

It’s important to note that the 0.5mm Pb protection can be seen as a coefficient of radiation protection. 

In other words, it’s possible for other materials to provide the same level of shielding as 0.5mm Pb while containing no lead whatsoever. For instance, we manufacture our Tungsten-based apron using proprietary technology that’s completely Pb-free.


0.35mm Lead Thickness

Dental clinics and diagnostic facilities that don’t provide radiation treatment use low-energy X-ray devices to create images of teeth and other parts of the body. 

If this is the case for your facility, you can provide 0.35mm Pb aprons or PPE with the same equivalence, as this level of protection can block out up to 90% low-voltage X-rays.

Whether you need 0.35mm or 0.5mm PPE, always remember to get your radiation equipment from a trusted manufacturer with a proven track record. This will help ensure that the aprons and other accessories truly provide the right of protection. 


How to Choose the Right Thickness for Your Aprons

Now that we’ve covered the minimum thickness for lead aprons, let’s go over some tips you can follow to choose the right PPE. 

Before going further, remember that the type of facility you manage will set the baseline for the type of protection you need. 

For instance, if you manage a clinic, then it’s possible that you require 0.5mm and/or 0.35 Pb protection. However, if you need to protect staff at a nuclear plant, the baseline should be 0.5mm lead, plus you should also consider providing a protective skirt as well. 

Now, here are a few things you should consider when choosing the thickness of the lead in your radiation aprons. 

  • Distance from Radiation Source: If your practitioners are located far away from the source, like in an adjacent room, the level of protection should be adjusted. 
  • Type of Procedure: The type of procedure directly dictates the level of radiation in your facility, with dental diagnostic imaging like mammographies being on the lower end and radiation therapy on the higher side of the spectrum. 
  • Frequency of Exposure: If your patients and staff are exposed to radiation frequently, reducing exposure as much as possible is always the best approach. Remember, your radiation officer should also create a tracking plan to keep everyone safe. 


Lead Thickness for Additional Safety Accessories

Now that we’ve covered the minimum lead apron thickness and tips to choose the best apron, let’s go over additional safety accessories you may have to provide at your facility. 

Before diving in, it’s important to note that radiation safety accessories can be designed to protect specific parts of the body or to provide additional shielding. For instance, lead headgear provides protection for a specific area, while movable barriers act as an extra layer between the source and the technician. 

Let’s take a look at some examples of protective accessories for your facility. 


Thyroid Shields

As the name suggests, thyroid shields provide protection for the thyroid gland, which is particularly sensitive to radiation exposure. This is the reason why our thyroid shields have 0.5mm Pb protection equivalence. This ensures maximum protection against thyroid damage for both patients and practitioners. 



Leaded eyewear is essential in facilities that utilize high-intensity radiation. As a matter of fact, our lead glasses provide the highest level of protection thanks to their 0.75mm equivalence Pb radiation protective lenses. The best part is that we can create prescription eyewear that protects against radiation to ensure your professionals can confidently perform their duties. 


Movable Barriers

Since they are supplemental and should be used in addition to radiation PPE, movable barriers can provide different levels of protection depending on their components. Some barriers can provide 1.6mm Pb equivalence, while others can shield the same amount as a 0.5mm-thick lead sheet. 


What is Radiation Shielding Equipment?

Radiation shielding equipment is defined as any garment, accessory, or piece of equipment designed to protect patients, civilians, practitioners, and radiation specialists in different settings. The list of radiation shielding equipment is extensive and it includes:


Get Adequate Protective Equipment for Your Team

Whether you’re administering a single diagnostic facility or a multiple healthcare center, providing adequate radiation protection for your team is a must. 

Depending on the type of procedures and treatments available in your clinic, you may need to get either 0.5mm or 0.35mm Pb protection to keep practitioners and patients safe. 

If you’re not sure which is the best option, our team of radiation protection experts can help you make the right choice and ensure that you get the right protective gear for your facility. 

Founded in 2005, Barrier Technologies manufactures high-quality lead aprons and other protective equipment. Contact us today to get help.